Casino and its Famous Faces

As a huge fan of our famous celebrities and a dedicated writer of casino, its time to bring out the best connivance in the field of entertainment. The very best faces in the world you'll ever imagine gambling in casino lounges. Aside from our celebrity gamblers, this blog is about to give you casino and the what keep it famous and popular.

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Guys At The Casino Lounge

Posted by Famous Quincy Block On 2:10 AM 1 comments

Gambling is a way of spicing up your old boring life. Meeting new friends, socializing as the chandelier glitters on you, betting at your highest stake. Seeing a Casino Lounge with full of people, seems to be enjoying their lives, no matter if they're losing or winning is a magnificent view. But, being at a Casino with the most popular persons on Earth is wonderful. How much more if you get the chance on playing with them, right?

Celebrities joined Casino Lounges for they have everything a good gambler can have. Fame, glamor and money, of course. Who cares if they lose, they can still win and earn those bucks. 

Let's enter the enchanting world of the most famous celebrity guys at the casinos.

        Tiger Woods
Known as the champion golfer, Tiger Woods known to be a Blackjack lover since it was opened    to the public last 2006. Being the richest golfer in the world, Woods can bet for as much as $1m to the limit. He bets $25,000 a hand in Blackjack when he play. Also, he had won £282,000 playing blackjack in Las Vegas some time.  
"Tiger's favorite clubs were the Mansion, the Bank and Tryst, all known for their discretion with high-end clients. His table always had to be filled with hot party girls and he loves being catered to," a Vegas nightclub source told the Sunday Times.

                  Sean Connery

One thing to know about him is that this man is the original 007 actor. Famous for being James Bond. In casino, he plays Roulette. And at Casino de la Vallee in Saint-Vincent in Italy way back 1963 in January, Connery won more than £10,000 (that's about £70,000 in today's money). He bet on number 17 and win three times in a row as the number came up every time.

                 George Clooney

Star of a gambling related film, Ocean's 11 and Ocean's 12, George Clooney is a gambler in real life. Famous at Poker tables and an active business-man in a resort in Las Vegas where he invested $3 million. Also, he is a co-owner of a casino-hotel-condominium complex known as the Las Ramblas. 

Clooney is always seen in some Casinos with celebrities playing Poker. His famous line, "I wanted it to be like old Vegas and old Hollywood. It's going to be a classy joint".

  • Matt Damon
  • Ben Affleck
  • Jackie Chan

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