Casino and its Famous Faces

As a huge fan of our famous celebrities and a dedicated writer of casino, its time to bring out the best connivance in the field of entertainment. The very best faces in the world you'll ever imagine gambling in casino lounges. Aside from our celebrity gamblers, this blog is about to give you casino and the what keep it famous and popular.

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Famous Baccarat Players in the World

Posted by Famous Quincy Block On 10:30 PM 0 comments

Famous Celebrity Bingo Players in the World

Said to be an aristocratic card game is known as the . It is a fascinating and interesting hobby to card game lovers. Being a game of luck and chance, it is quite a question of whose name made it to the history of Baccarat. Here is listed the in the World.

James Bond

James Bond is fictional character with tremendous effect of his fans. Though he is a fictional character, Ian Fleming relly made him a true personality. Secret Agent 007 is one of the most popular baccarat player that played high stakes with his famous shaken and not stirred martini.

Akio Kashiwagi

A Japanese investor named Akio Kashiwagi went to Atlantic City Casino in 1990 to play Baccarat. He made a single bet of $200,000 and won $6 million at one game. Another thing that made his famous at Baccarat is the way he loss at one game on May, same year. He had lost $10 million!.  Akio was also known as 'the warrior' in Baccarat history.
In 1992, Akio was stabbed that caused his death. The crime was never solved.
 Frank Scoblette

This man had the pen name of "King of Scobe". What mede his to the list is the fact that his addiction on Baccarat is just not on playing them. Frank was known as the author of many gambling book including "The Baccarat Battle Book". He'd written almost fifteen books about gambling and considered as number 1 American Best Author today.

Henry Tamburin

Tamburin was known as the author of the best-selling book entitled "Winning Baccarat Strategies". He was a casino gambler and a n expert one. As a gambling author, he wrote gambling relating books, main topic was blackjack, baccarat, craps and everything under casino.

Tommy Renzoni

Tommy Renzoni was the one to brought Baccarat to American casinos at Las Vegas. Then the game became popular as the American gamblers embraced the game. 

Aside from introducing Baccarat to American gamblers, Renzoni also wrote important bookas about Baccarat like “Renzoni on Baccarat” & “Baccarat: Everything You Want to Know About Playing and Winning”. He was known as "Father of American Baccarat".


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